Phenomenal One Press is a Small Press Publisher that publishes books that inspire imagination and adventure in its readers. In business since 2012, has many best selling books under its belt and continues to mentor authors and other small press publishers from all over the world.
Welcome to Phenomenal One Press
Fiction Books
Our mission is to provide books that empower children of all ages. That thrill, excite and give them a ride they won’t forget, while teaching them that they have the power to overcome anything. Established in 2009 in order to create a vehicle for new and innovative writers who desire to further empower kids through their writing. Submissions for YA Authors are open.
Publishing & Coaching Services
Phenomenal One Press offers assistance in publications of works not accepted for our small press works, provided the product is up to the standards of our publishing company upon submission. Services include writing coaching and publishing coaching and facilitation from final draft to publication and marketing.
Non-Fiction Books
Phenomenal One Press Non-Fiction books focus on self help, homeschooling, education, sports manuals and motivational books.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature
L.M. Preston | Published Author
At Phenomenal One Press, you will not find your typical cheesy coming-of-age stories. In our books, teenagers are not just protagonists. They are HEROES. You can find escape in our amazing stories of magic powers and dangerous escapades. Going beyond escapism, our books become a chance for you to experience the world through someone else’s eyes, whether they be a werewolf or a pirate.
Phenomenal One Express features a variety of books starring characters by LM Preston and characters written by other authors, too! With so many stories to explore, you get to discover both new books and authors. Because Phenomenal One Express is not just for readers, it is for writers, too. If you are a budding writer, we can give you the exposure you need.

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The Pack
Purgatory Reign
Publishing and Workshops
Starting out in the book industry can be very difficult, especially if you are not familiar with how the whole thing works. We could all do with a little help, right? At Phenomenal One Press, we can get you the exposure you need. Your books deserve to be published. That is why we have created a vehicle for new and innovative writers who desire to further empower kids through their writing.
We also organize workshops on becoming an author, dreaming big, writing novels and building worlds. You can find out more about these workshops by contacting me. You can reach me anytime at my business email address
Let us connect online. You can find Phenomenal One Press on Facebook at